Injured By An Impaired Driver: How We Can Help

By NeriAdmin | August 21, 2020
drunk driver

If you happen to be involved in a car wreck with a person who was driving under the influence, it is wise to speak to an attorney, especially if you or someone in your vehicle was injured.

Avoiding a Drunk Driver

A Bradenton injury lawyer suggests that the best advice for avoiding a impaired driver is to always be a defensive driver. Consistently maintain safe distances between yourself and other drivers. If you are behind someone who is driving erratically, assume they are under the influence and avoid them.

The same is true if someone is approaching you in the other direction. If they keep crossing the centerline they could be on their cellphone or on the verge of passing out. Assume the worst-case scenario. If you think it is necessary, notify the authorities.

If You Are in a Wreck

Your priority if you are in a wreck is to make sure everyone is okay. Call 911, especially if you or someone else is injured. If you can, take pictures of the vehicles involved and of any obvious injuries. Also, get names and contact information of witnesses.

How Can an Attorney Help?

The Neri Law Group is a personal injury law firm Bradenton Florida. If you are injured in a car wreck with a drunk driver, they can represent you with the other driver’s insurance company and in court if a lawsuit is required.

Your injury attorney in Bradenton FL is your shield against rushed settlements and lost recovery for damages. It often takes time to heal after a car wreck. You deserve to recover as fully as possible. Having a compassionate, knowledgeable attorney on your side can be the best tactic to reclaim your life.

For more information about Neri Law Group, visit them online at or call them at (941) 677-8977 for a free case evaluation.