Pedestrian Accidents

By NeriAdmin | March 15, 2023
ambluence worker applying emergency care to the injured bleeding man lying on the pedestrian crossing

Due in part to Florida being a popular tourist destination, it ranks as one of the highest states in pedestrian accident injuries and deaths. However, tourists only account for a percentage of these incidents. Walkers, skaters, bicyclists, kids in school zones, and other natives are also part of the equation.

How can you prevent being a victim of one, and what can you do if you are struck by a moving vehicle? In this blog, Neri Law Group answers these questions.

Precautions for Pedestrian Accidents

While there are Florida pedestrian laws intended to keep you safe, not everyone follows them. And many drivers simply do not pay attention to the road or their surroundings. That is why it is essential that you take precautions to keep yourself safe.

If you are out at night, wear bright or reflective items to make you more visible. Whether it is during the day or night, do not just walk out across the road. You might not be visible through parked vehicles or other items. Take a moment to stop, look both ways, and ensure any traffic has the chance to see you.

Even in areas where there is a pedestrian crosswalk, it does not mean that oncoming traffic will stop. Although you might have the right of way, make sure vehicles are slowing or stopped before you move.

If you are the victim of a pedestrian accident, call 911 and seek emergency care. Then, contact a Bradenton accident attorney as soon as possible.

As a personal injury law firm in Bradenton, Florida, we know how life-altering a pedestrian accident can be. It would help if you focused on recovering, not dealing with collecting evidence and fighting a court case. Our team will work diligently to ensure your rights are protected and you receive a fair compensation package. Contact Neri Law Group today at (941) 677-8977.