Speeding Accident Injuries

In the state of Florida, speeding is one of the leading causes of auto accidents. Thousands of those crashes result in injuries and fatalities each year. Accident victims often face significant medical expenses, lost wages from not being able to work, and emotional trauma.
You might be wondering how many accidents are caused by speeding. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration lists speeding as the number one factor in over 25 % of fatal accidents each year. Although Florida speed limit laws are supposed to prevent the issue, speeding remains the number one cause of accidents in the state.
Consequences of Speeding Accidents
Speeding accidents change victims’ lives. Victims can suffer a range of injuries, including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ injuries, burns, and even amputations.
Victims often need surgery, which is costly, both from a medical perspective and due to the patient’s inability to work while they recover. While some conditions can be treated quickly, some patients experience symptoms for the rest of their lives.
If you have been injured in a speeding accident, seeking the services of an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial.
Legal Guidance From a Bradenton Personal Injury Attorney
Fortunately, if you are looking for a car accident attorney in Bradenton, Florida, or a Bradenton personal injury attorney, the Neri Law Group is here to help.
Our team has been representing injured parties for almost 25 years. Shannan C. Neri, the founding attorney of the Neri Law Group, has handled diverse cases, including motorcycle and automobile accidents. She is a top Bradenton personal injury attorney and will help you pursue the compensation you deserve. If you are searching for a car accident attorney in Bradenton, FL, look no further than the Neri Law Group. Contact us today to see how we can assist you.