Injured While Shopping This Holiday Season

By NeriAdmin | December 21, 2017

Bradenton Injury Attorney

Shopping Injuries

Injured While Shopping This Holiday Season
When most people go shopping, they do not think about all of the dangers that are associated with it. However, thousands of the personal injury claims that are filed each year are due to shopping-related injuries. Neck and back injuries are among the most common shopping-related injuries.
A shopping injury can occur at any time, but they are more likely to occur during the holiday season due to the influx of shoppers during this time of year. Most people who are injured while shopping are able to recover without any complications. However, a small percentage of people are seriously-injured or killed during the holiday season.

In many cases, the store can be held liable for any injuries that occur on the property. For example, if a person is injured in a slip and fall injury due to a wet floor, then the store can be held responsible. People who suffer a head or body injury due to a falling object or retail display can also hire a Bradenton injury attorney.

Additionally, a store can be held responsible if an injury occurs due to overcrowding. Every store has a maximum number of people who can safely be inside at one time.

Premise Liability in the State of Florida
Property owners are required to do everything that they can in order to ensure that their property is safe. If a lawful visitor gets injured on another person’s property, then they can take legal recourse against the property owner.

Contact Neri Law Group
If you are injured at a mall or shopping center, then you will need to contact an injury lawyer Bradenton. Our attorneys will review your case and determine whether there was anything that the store manager could have done in order to prevent the injury. If the management was negligent, then you may be able to get compensated.