Do I Have a Wrongful Death Case?

By NeriAdmin | February 20, 2018

What Exactly is Wrongful Death? Wrongful Death

Wrongful death occurs when a person’s death is caused by the negligence or misconduct of another person. In the event of murder, wrongful death can still be pursued. Wrongful death cases often follow criminal trials, and there is a lower standard of proof needed to successfully bring a wrongful death case forward. Discussing your potential case with your local personal injury attorney in Bradenton is the first step you should take.

Do You Have a Potential Case?

Some of the more common types of wrongful death cases include medical malpractice resulting in death, airplane crashes, automobile accidents, criminal behavior-related deaths, being exposed to hazardous conditions or substances as part of an occupation as well as death that occurs during a supervised activity. The death of a human being which resulted in the suffering or monetary injury to surviving family members must be present.

What Can You Do Next?

Taking legal action against the person who may be liable for the death of a loved one is a perfectly acceptable response in the event of a wrongful death. How you go about pursuing that action is up to you. Finding support along the way can help you overcome challenges and obstacles that you may come into contact with.

Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney in Bradenton

Putting together a successful wrongful death case may be difficult without the proper guidance and experience. Hiring a personal injury attorney can be better for you and everyone else involved, especially since wrongful death cases can be emotional. If you are thinking about suing for wrongful death, consider working with a personal injury attorney in Bradenton who knows the process and can be a support to you.

Contact the Neri Law Group Today

Discuss your wrongful death case with an attorney who cares. Shannan Neri is a personal injury attorney in Bradenton, Florida, who has helped numerous people take legal action for wrongful death. She cares about representing clients with her legal expertise, so they can focus on recovering from accidents and living their life. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.