Hit and Run? What are the Consequences?

By NeriAdmin | May 30, 2018

Hit and Run? What are the Consequences?

Most of us have been hit while in traffic. Usually, minor property damage results. Occasionally, you suffer injury. Most of the time, the police record the at-fault party’s insurance information and your attorney settles with theirs. But what happens when the other party takes off, leaving you in a smashed vehicle and injured by the side of the road?

First off, remain at the scene and render any necessary aid. Call 911 immediately. If you couldn’t get the license plate of the offending vehicle, provide as detailed a description as possible, including any vehicle damage you noticed. Make certain to get the names and contact information of any witnesses. Witnesses are particularly crucial in hit-and-run cases. Then contact Attorney Shannan Neri for a free consultation. You have the right to compensation, but you need an experienced accident attorney on your side.

What if you can’t identify the perpetrator?

Despite information you may provide to the police, they may never identify the perpetrator, leaving you wondering what to do. Though you may not have an at-fault party to sue, you are still entitled to compensation. Your insurance company covers you for property damage and injury, and it has obligations to cover your damage. If you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, they may come into play as well. Also, if there are any involved third parties, their insurance may also come into play.

Why you need an experienced accident attorney and how they can help

At the Neri Law Group, we see many hit-and-run cases every year. You deserve coverage when you are hit by another driver who flees; however, insurance companies frequently try to shift blame to you in order to deny or reduce claims. As your Bradenton auto accident attorney, the Neri Law Group fights to get you the compensation you deserve.

Often, insurance companies also try to offer low settlements and threaten to drag out the legal process. As your Bradenton auto accident attorney, we know how to force the insurance company to settle now. If you have been the victim of a hit and run, contact Attorney Shannan Neri for effective, aggressive representation.