Legal Assistance for the Victims of Slip-and-Fall Accidents

By NeriAdmin | July 5, 2018

Legal Assistance for the Victims of Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur anywhere people, and they can have potentially serious consequences for the victims. Those who have experienced serious falls that resulted from the negligent actions of others may seek financial damages from the responsible parties. In order to be successful, however, the party filing the lawsuit will require proper legal representation. This type of assistance is available from Attorney Shannan Neri and Neri Law Group.

The Risks of Walking
Hazards may come in many forms, including broken or uneven pavement, torn carpeting, poor lighting, or the accumulation of water or other slippery substances. The resulting falls can occur on private, commercial, or public property, and can result in a variety of injuries, from broken bones to brain trauma. The victims should seek immediate medical attention to prevent long-term consequences. They should also consider seeking the services of a personal injury attorney in Bradenton FL.

Taking Legal Action
Compensation should not be taken for granted. The property owner or manager may claim that the victim was distracted or perhaps failed to follow posted warnings and was thus partially responsible for the accident. Under this principle of comparative fault, the amount awarded to the victim could be significantly reduced. Legal action must also be taken within the statute of limitations for the case to be considered. In the case of accidents occurring on public property, such as a city sidewalk, the procedures for filing a lawsuit are more complicated. Victims should not try to handle these legal issues on their own and should instead seek help from a personal injury attorney in Bradenton FL.

The Right to Compensation
Damages may be sought to pay for needed medical care, to replace lost income related to the inability of the victim to continue working, and to compensate for the personal suffering from the injury. Family members can also seek damages for their personal suffering caused by the injury or death of a loved one. The victims and their families will require the advice and guidance that can only be provided by a personal injury lawyer. Neri Law Group that can offer such help after a slip-and-fall accident. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.