What You Must Prove to Win a Slip-and-Fall Injury Claim

By NeriAdmin | June 19, 2019
slip and fall accident

Slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents can cause severe or even fatal injuries. Aside from motor vehicle accidents, they’re the second most commonly filed personal injury claim or lawsuit. These accidents are part of what is known as the law of premises liability. They can happen in stores, homes or even on publicly owned property.

According to the Bradenton FL injury attorneys at the Neri Law Group, you should make an accident report with the owner or occupier of the property where you fell immediately. The report should contain the date and time of your fall, location, the condition that caused you to fall, your contact information and the contact information of any witnesses. If it wasn’t possible for you to report your fall because of your injuries, talk to us right away.

Some important evidence to preserve will be the following:

  • The clothing and footwear you wore.
  • Any surveillance camera footage.
  • Photos of the injuries that you suffered, especially if a surgery was required.
  • Copies of all of your medical bills, records and reports.
  • Copies of statements from any witnesses.
  • Photos of the condition that caused your fall.

You must prove that the owner or occupier of the premises where you fell knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that caused your fall. If you approach a fall down accident without the benefit of an experienced and effective attorney, expect an insurer to tell you that you weren’t watching where you were going and deny liability. Your pleas for compensation will then be ignored.

Make that accident report. Then, get to an emergency room right away. After that, contact our Bradenton FL injury attorneys at the Neri Law Group for a free consultation and case evaluation. Our objective is to maximize and settlement or award that you might receive.