How to Prove a Driver Was Distracted

By NeriAdmin | February 21, 2020
woman is texting while driving

Everyone who drives has a duty to be safe and conscientious. They should keep their eyes and mind focused on the road, not on sending text messages, speaking on the phone, chatting with other drivers, or eating. If you have been injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, then you should seek money from them. Hiring a Bradenton/Sarasota injury law firm is the first step in your journey to get compensation.

What You Deserve

You should never accept a settlement offer from the other driver or their insurance company without consulting with a lawyer. The offer is bound to be lower than what you are entitled to if the other driver caused the accident.

Unfortunately, many drivers overestimate their ability to drive safely and engage in other activities. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of vehicle collisions. If you have been put in the hospital and had your life disrupted by such a careless and reckless person, you deserve justice. The Neri Law Group has car accident lawyers in Bradenton FL who have the experience and expertise to prove your case and get you money.

How to Prove Distracted Driving

There are several kinds of evidence that the Sarasota injury law firm you hire can gather to prove distracted driving. Your attorney can subpoena the respondent’s phone records to demonstrate that they were using their cell phone at the time of the crash. Your lawyer can also interview witnesses to the crash who can testify that the other driver was talking, texting, eating, or doing their makeup just before the crash. Your attorney can also call expert witnesses who can reconstruct the accident through a computer simulation that is based on forensic evidence.

These are just some of the many tools available to your lawyer. If you have been harmed by the recklessness of a distracted driver, you should call the Neri Law Group. They are car accident lawyers in Bradenton FL who will help you get justice.