Are dog bite laws different if my child is injured?

By NeriAdmin | January 15, 2021
dog bite

While animals and children can make the best of friends, there is always a need to keep a close eye on the pair, even if a pet appears to be loving to your child. Unfortunately, there are instances where animals can turn aggressive and harm children unexpectedly–and this is particularly common in dogs.

Every state has its own laws when it comes to dog bites, including Florida. In case a dog injures your child, one of the first things you should do is to hire a good Bradenton dog bite attorney. This will ensure that the dog owner compensates for the injury caused to your child.

What is Florida’s dog bite law regarding children?

Florida has “strict liability” laws regarding dog bites. In other words, just like many other states, Florida has dog bite laws that put the liability on injuries to the owner, and the laws apply whether the dog has a history of aggressiveness or not.

There are some limitations when it comes to these laws. If the victim was not supposed to be on the property of the dog owner, if the dog was defending the owner from a perceived threat, or if the victim provoked the dog, the owner may not be held liable.

A dog bite attorney Bradenton will help you understand how Florida dog bite law applies when your child is injured. For example, children under 6 years will not be held responsible for having to read and understand a warning sign of an aggressive dog. To move forward after such a traumatic experience, please contact us to make sure you’re compensated.

Seeking help from a dog bite attorney

if a dog bite injures your child, then you have the right to hire a Bradenton dog bite lawyer and file for compensation. Neri Law Group has some of the best dog bite lawyers in Florida. Call today and get trusted representation.