Safely stopping on the Highway: Tips from your Attorney

By NeriAdmin | September 24, 2021
safe stopping on the side of the road

Safely stopping on the Highway: Tips from your Attorney

If you are involved in an accident on the highway and are able to pull to the side, you should do so to remain safe from another accident occurring. There may be other emergencies that arise that will cause you to have to stop along the highway and your local car accident attorney in Sarasota FL wants you to be safe from a crash occurring while you were stopped.

Here are some safety tips for stopping on the highway from your car accident attorneys in Sarasota FL.

  • You should immediately turn on your emergency lights and blinkers to let other drivers on the highway know that you are experiencing some sort of mechanical issue or emergency. Your hazard lights will alert them to the fact that you are stopped and they need to go around you and your vehicle.
  • You should also exit your vehicle on the passenger side so that you can avoid getting struck by a passing vehicle. Since most people pull over to the right side of the road, it is much safer for you to exit the vehicle on the passenger side than the driver’s side.
  • You should keep an emergency kit in your car that includes orange reflective cones or flares that you can use at nighttime so that your stopped vehicle is very visible to other drivers. Learn about what other items you should keep in car accident emergency kit here.
  • Once you are ready to reenter traffic you will need to pull safely back onto the highway. Be sure to put away your emergency signs, flares, or orange cones and use your turn signal before pulling back onto the highway. If you are pulled over due to an accident, you should wait for law enforcement before leaving the area.

If you are involved in an accident, you should contact the legal professionals at the Neri Law Group immediately to obtain the legal representation you need and deserve.