Pedestrian Safety Checklist

By NeriAdmin | October 22, 2021

Pedestrian Safety Checklist

pedestrian safety

You’re walking down the sidewalk and hear the screech of tires as a car comes to an abrupt stop. You look up and notice a young lady smiling from behind her steering wheel while she waves at you before driving off. Your adrenaline begins to race as you realize you were just narrowly missed by a car. The driver didn’t see you because they weren’t paying attention, or they were distracted. Neri Law Group, serving Bradenton, Sarasota, and Venice, has experience helping victims of pedestrian accidents recover from their injuries.

Florida Rules of the Road for Pedestrians

Pedestrians are required to use sidewalks when walking down the street. If there is no sidewalk, they need to walk as far off the road and out of the way of traffic. When a pedestrian uses a crosswalk, they can only cross when the light says to do so. When the light displays you can go, as a pedestrian, you have the right of way. Never cross a road diagonally. If the crosswalk light has not permitted you to pass, the cars have the right of way on the road. If there is no crosswalk, only cross at clear intersections, giving the right of way to the vehicles. Vehicles must stop when a crossing guard is in the crosswalk and must remain stationary until the crossing guard exits the crosswalk fully.

Pedestrian Safety Checklist & Best Practices

As a Bradenton accident injury attorney, we know that a pedestrian can do several things to stay safer when walking on roads and sidewalks in Florida.

  • Stay aware of your surroundings while walking on or near the streets.
  • Wear bright colors during nighttime hours to help drivers see you more easily.
  • Stay away from distractions like your phone when crossing the street.
  • Avoid wearing headphones so that you can more clearly hear cars coming.
  • Use a flashlight when walking just after sunset and anytime it’s dark.
  • Use a flashlight when you are waiting for the bus in the early morning and late morning hours.
  • Avoid consuming mind-altering substances and if you do, always stay in the middle of the sidewalk to avoid obstructions from storefronts on one side and cars in the road on the other.
  • Never assume a driver can see you for any reason and take precautions accordingly.

How A Bradenton Pedestrian Accident Attorney Helps

Sometimes, even when you’re safe, unexpected injuries can happen while you are walking. For example, a broken sidewalk can cause you to trip, an intoxicated or distracted driver can crash into the sidewalk, or objects can fall out of windows above you, landing on you. In all cases where the injuries were not your fault, a Bradenton accident lawyer gathers evidence on your behalf, works with law enforcement, tracks your recovery, and negotiates with the insurance companies on your behalf. When you have a qualified lawyer working on your insurance payout, the insurance companies notice and play nicer.

Neri Law Group is a qualified Bradenton accident firm that stands ready to help you or someone you know with a pedestrian injury. Contact us today for an appointment!