Florida Back to School Safety Tips for Drivers

By NeriAdmin | August 4, 2023
school zone sign

The sun-soaked streets of Florida will be once again abuzz with young students. School buses, new backpacks, and the familiar ring of the morning bell herald the start of another school year.

As responsible drivers, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of these young pedestrians. The Neri Law Group, a prominent Bradenton law firm specializing in personal injury, offers essential back to school safety tips for drivers to make the transition smoother for all.

1. Abide by School Zones Speed Limits

Always observe the designated speed limits in school zones. These zones have reduced speeds for a reason — to protect children. With the excitement and chaos of the first weeks, students may unpredictably dart into the street. A slower speed gives drivers more reaction time.

2. Be Cautious Around Buses

It’s illegal to pass a school bus that is stopped to pick up or drop off students. Always stop when the bus’s red lights are flashing or its stop arm is extended. Children may be crossing the street and might not be immediately visible.

3. No Distracted Driving

With the influx of students, parents, and buses around school zones, it’s more vital than ever to avoid distractions. That means no texting, adjusting the radio excessively, or any activity that takes your focus off the road.

4. Watch Out for Bicyclists

Many students bike to school. Always give them ample space on the road, and be particularly vigilant when making turns. Young bicyclists might not be adept at using signals, so always anticipate their movements.

5. Crosswalks are Paramount

Children are taught to cross streets at crosswalks. Always stop for pedestrians, and be especially alert in these areas during morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups.

Stay informed and stay safe. For more guidance on road safety or if you require legal assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Neri Law Group. Your trusted Bradenton law firm.