Back to School Pedestrian Safety Tips in Florida

By NeriAdmin | August 11, 2023
school pedestrian safety - child crossing the road in crosswalk

As children across Florida gear up for a new school year, ensuring their safety becomes paramount, especially for those who commute on foot. Pedestrian safety is crucial, and at Neri Law Group, we believe in promoting a culture of caution and vigilance.

As a trusted Bradenton law firm, we have encountered numerous cases that could have been avoided with the right knowledge and practice. Here are some essential back to school safety tips to keep in mind:

1. Safe Crossing

Always cross the street at crosswalks or intersections where there are signals or pedestrian crossing signs. This ensures drivers are more likely to see and yield to the pedestrian.

2. Stay Visible

Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. Wearing bright or reflective clothing can also make them more visible during dawn or dusk.

3. Stay on Sidewalks

Walking on sidewalks, wherever available, is much safer than walking on the road. If sidewalks are not present, walk against traffic, staying as far from vehicles as possible.

4. Stay Alert

It’s crucial for pedestrians to remain alert at all times. That means no headphones, avoiding distractions like mobile games, or texting while walking.

5. Understanding Traffic Rules

Familiarize your children with basic traffic rules. Knowing when and how to cross the road is vital for their safety.

6. Group Walks

Encourage children to walk in groups. Not only is there safety in numbers, but drivers are also more likely to notice a group than an individual.

7. Always Use Supervision

Young children should always be accompanied by an adult or an older, responsible child. This supervision can make a significant difference in their safety.

8. Regular Safety Checks

Regularly discuss and review pedestrian safety tips with your children, ensuring they internalize and apply them consistently.

The return to school brings with it a surge of young pedestrians. Ensuring their safety should be a community effort.

If, unfortunately, an accident does occur, having a reputable Bradenton injury lawyer by your side can be indispensable. At Neri Law Group, we are committed to representing injured individuals and ensuring they receive the justice they deserve.