Failure To Yield the Right of Way Car Accidents

By NeriAdmin | September 25, 2023
one man reporting car crash damage calling insurance roadside service

With more than 15 million licensed drivers in Florida, the number of car accidents, including a failure to yield right of way every year, is no surprise. Being a victim of one can be traumatic and overwhelming. How do you know who is at fault? What steps do you need to take? How do you receive compensation for your medical bills and suffering? Learn the answers to these questions below.

Why Does Failure To Yield the Right Way Happen?

There are two very common reasons these accidents occur: inattention and a lack of understanding about the right of way.

In order to both prevent such an accident, as well as to obtain compensation if you are a victim, you must first know the answer to this question: in Florida, who has the right-of-way?

The following are some of the most common rules:

  • At stop signs, all vehicles must come to a complete stop. The first vehicle to do so has the right of way.
  • In the event that two vehicles come to a stop at the same time, the vehicle to the right has the right of way.
  • If a yield sign is present, you must slow down so that any cars driving through can pass. If you are passing through a yield sign and hit either a vehicle or a pedestrian, you are considered at fault.
  • When entering an intersection, vehicles with a turn signal can enter before oncoming traffic. However, it is vital that you use care in such a situation, as entering too close can lead to an accident.

If you are involved in an accident because of failure to yield right of way accident, it is important to call for emergency help immediately. Take as many pictures of the scene as possible, ensuring that you capture all the vehicles’ positions. Then, it is time to call a Bradenton car accident attorney to build your case.

At Neri Law Group – your Bradenton car accident lawyer – we will fight for you. We will not only walk you through the process but also help you gather evidence, build a solid case, and work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. Don’t leave your case to chance. Call us today at (941) 677-8977 to get started.